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Anti-Wrinkle Treatment- What Are Your Options

Wrinkles are the bane of every person's life. Some make it well into their forties before they see the first signs of ageing appear on their face. Others aren't so lucky and are cursed with the unsightly afflictions from a very early age.
As more and more people become self-conscious about their appearance, and investment into age-defying procedures increase, so do the types of anti-wrinkle treatments available. These anti-wrinkly treatments can help turn back the clock and give men and women that youthful glow again they desperately crave.
What can actually be done about wrinkles?

As people age, the elasticity of their skin gradually decreases. To compliment this negative change, the body produces less and less collagen making skin appear scrunched. All of a sudden, many reach a point where they begin to notice their face has a droopier appearance to it. This makes it look far less plump and feels fewer firms. At this point, it's natural to panic! It is a better idea is to become familiar with both invasive and non-invasive treatments. These can help slow down the ageing process and even reduce the appearance of aging significantly.
What procedures are available?

Depending on health, budget and severity of the wrinkles in question, a qualified surgeon or cosmetic expert will recommend any of several procedures they believe will make a noticeable difference to the person's image.
Face lifts: - Face lifts are one of the most invasive anti-ageing treatments around. Several areas of the skin are cut into, before being cut out completely or tightened using special stitching. Because of the enormity of the procedure, down-times are higher than average, as is cost and the risk of complications.

Laser rejuvenation: - Lasers are being used more and more frequently in the medical and cosmetic world due to their remarkable accuracy and powerful healing attributes. Laser skin rejuvenation is a simple procedure, far less invasive than many others, which works by burning off top layers of the skin, encouraging regrowth and enhancing collagen production.
Skin needling: - The idea of having hundreds of sharp needles penetrating the skin isn't the most attractive of ones. However, comfort can be taken in the fact that numbing gels are used prior to treatment. Needling works by penetrating deep into the skin, breaking up scar tissue and encouraging collagen production over the following 6 months.
Fillers: - Fillers are a quick and easy way of 'plugging' wrinkles in the skin. While other treatments encourage the production of collagen in order to plump the skin, fillers create a synthetic plumping, usually made out of materials such as silicon. Results can range from temporary to permanent, and side-effects are usually minimal.
Anti-Wrinkle Injections: - Anti-Wrinkle Injections (known as Botox) is the 'Hollywood' anti-wrinkle treatment. Popular with A-listers, movie stars and models, it works by paralyzing the muscles in the face, reducing strain and the appearance of frown lines. Anti-wrinkle injections are effective and can be much more affordable than other treatments.
Read more: Anti-Wrinkle Treatment- What Are Your Options

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