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What is Energetic Skincare?

What is Energetic Skincare?
Energetic Skincare is vital-energy-based skincare.
The most efficient way for a spa to get superior results is to work both at
the level of matter (skin or body shape) and of energy (vital energy). That is logical knowing that the body is both matter and energy.
Authentic energetic skincare requires genuine energetic products. Only natural products have vital energy. High grade essential oils have a multiple of
the vital energy of the plants they come from. Further, blends of essential oils can be selected for their inherent capacity to balance vital energy.
Phytobiodermie® follows the formulation principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The PHYTO 5™ products achieve energy-balancing according to the 5
Elements of TCM—5 aspects of vital energy: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.
Beauty is Health Made Visible!
WHY is it so?
Two Major Concepts:
1. The body is not simply matter (solids and fluids), but matter and energy—vital energy (a very subtle energy flowing throughout the body, connecting it energetically to its environment). Vital energy—prana in Ayurvedic medicine and chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine—is a carrier of intelligent information to all cells of the body. This is confirmed by Quantum physics (see quotes below from Chopra and Gerber).
2. The skin is a vital organ with reflexive properties. This is due to the fact that all parts of the body are interconnected by vital energy. Reflex zones provide a telltale sign of what is going on within the body. That is why our body shape and our skin condition reflect the degree of wellness we experience. Indeed, Beauty is health made visible! Reflex zones also provide a way to practice reflexology and to simply balance vital energy in spa treatments.
“The physical body is actually a complex network of interwoven energy fields.”
“If we are beings of energy, it follows that we can be affected by energy.” —Richard Gerber, M.D. in Vibrational Medicine
“Your body is a field of energy, information, and intelligence,
capable of perpetual healing, renewal, and transformation.”
—Deepak Chopra, M.D. in Grow Younger Live Longer

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