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25 Foods To Keep Your Hair Healthy & Strong

25 Foods To Keep Your Hair Healthy & Strong

Hair loss kills a man or woman-not literally, but it does emotionally. So what is the solution to this heartbreaking and trusting problem?

There is almost no treatment that can prevent hair loss, but there is a solution that can bring hair back into your head. Hair transplant is a widely used cosmetic surgery procedure that can do wonders for your baldness problem.

However, it is better to remain cautious and take action before the hair loss problem begins. Even though you can't do much, but you can slow down the speed or time of hair loss by taking the necessary steps.

Let's take a look at some foods that keep your hair healthy and it can be effective to maintain the problem of hair loss in the bay.

1. Eggs
The hair is made up of proteins, so be sure to get enough protein. Whether they eat cooked or boiled, eggs are known as an incredible source of protein.

2. Blueberries
These are excellent for good skin and shiny hair. Blueberries are rich in vitamin C and help in the generation of collagen, which strengthens the veins that provide blood to the hair.

3. Red meat
Iron is an important mineral for hair growth and health. A nutrient-rich blood supply feeds the hair and roots. This makes a diet rich in red meat essential as red meat is one of the best sources of iron.

4. Carrots
Carrots are filled with essential nutrients of vitamin A that generates sebum, which is an oily substance generated by the sebaceous organs. This gives a natural conditioner for the roots.

5. Salmon
Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in salmon. This allows the scalp and hair to stay hydrated. Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced by our bodies in a natural way, so it is essential to eat foods such as salmon that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

6. Oysters
Hair loss or dandruff is due to low level of hormone androgen production. Include oysters in your diet as they are rich in Zinc and selenium, which further helps in the production of androgen and hence fights against hair fall and dandruff. Besides, it also helps your locks retain shine and health.

7. Dried fruits
You need to protect your hair from the sun. Nuts, especially walnuts (almonds) are excellent sources of vitamin E that provide protection to the hair from being damaged. Dried fruits also have sulfur and biotin that help in hair growth.
8. Whole Grains
Whole grains have water-soluble vitamin B that prevents hair from weakening.

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